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Mindful Mum: Pregnancy Yoga

mindful mum pregnancy yoga

Mindful Mum: Pregnancy Yoga

I asked Naomi from ‘yogababe’ to guest blog on my website about mindful mum pregnancy yoga. I wanted to give some mindful support from an expert for ‘mums to be’ and ‘new mums’.

mindful mum pregnancy yoga

Its an introduction to a Mindful Mum who is interested and might like to try ‘Pregnancy Yoga’ or Yoga in general as Naomi is a very experienced Yoga teacher based in Colchester. In this time of lockdown she has moved her already popular Yoga classes online. 

Online class yoga class information

The only definite thing about being a mother motherhood is that nothing is definite – all there is is change and transition!

None more so than in the last few months. So maybe we should stop the typical thinking about getting ‘back to normal’ or to our former selves or other peoples’ sense of normal? Normal what anyway? Our lives constantly evolve, our bodies, our minds change and our values may totally shift. Maybe we need to cultivate more leeway and put more effort into finding our current selves instead?

When you become a mother you invariably have to hit the road running, conjuring up the ability to cope with the huge life transition, caring for a little person, whilst navigating relationships and jobs – we often forget ourselves. Amazing as it is, it is rarely easy! 

“Be kind to yourself and try to understand and meet your needs right now. Do you know what you need?”  

As your sense of normal changes, what if you cut yourself some slack and stopped trying to return to an old set of ‘normal’ values? Stop setting impossible goals and pressuring yourself. You are still most definitely You. Be curious. Be kind to yourself and try to understand and meet your needs right now. Do you know what you need?  

Yoga tips for a Mindful Mum


Here are my top Yoga tips to cope with change and transition – and you don’t have to be a mum to do these either – these practices are suitable for anyone. And don’t worry about doing all of them, anything, however small will be of benefit.

  1. Padma mudra with Golden Thread Breath
    This mothering lotus gesture connects in with the heart and the universal Mother, whilst the Golden Thread Breath helps release anxieties & fear and bring focus to the mind. Sit comfortably, relax shoulders/neck. Become aware of the breath. Hold hands together at heart height, open up fingers like the petals of the lotus flower, connecting little fingers, thumbs, base. Gaze into the hands. Then, separate & soften lips a fraction. Inhale gently through your nose, exhale, blow your breath out gently through the lips so that each out breath breath lengthens. ‘Let go’ on your out-breath. Feel the support of womankind around you.
  2. Baddha konasana – bound ankle posture (butterfly)
    This is great for the pelvic muscles, bringing energy and fresh blood to pelvis & organs. Try sitting on a cushion if you have a low back ache. Don’t do this one if you have/had SPD. Put cushions under your knees if it pulls in the groin. Try the feet further away. Try with them close in – note the difference. Try making pelvic circles. Try a forward bend.
  3. Cakki chalasana
    Energising and stimulating. Sit on a cushion if you wish. Stretch legs wide, spread toes, interlace fingers. Inhale and sit tall, exhale to circle arms clockwise 9 times. Interlace fingers other way, inhale and sit tall, exhale to circle arms anti-clockwise 9 times.
  4. Supreme goddess
    Constructive rest – a most delicious posture that allows everything to release. Build a cushion mountain behind your back and under knees, support arms too if you wish. Focus on each out-breath and let go of tension (you could gently blow out through the lips if you wish) Remain for at least 5 minutes!
  5. Ahimsa
    this Yogic practice often translates as non-violence, but its more about cultivating kindness & compassion for all living things, starting with yourself. Notice your thoughts, think before you speak and do. Kindness & compassion starts to have a rippling effect just like The Pig of Happiness (if you have ever read that) and then ahimsa becomes one big loving hug.

If you would like to be guided with these practices, Naomi teaches a number of weekly online classes to support Women through her business YogaBabe: Pregnancy Yoga, Mum & Baby Yoga & a Gentle Hatha Yoga class. She also runs a Woman’s Yoga Circle, Yoga for Fertility and will be starting Yoga for Menopause soon.

For more details please check out her YogaBabe website and Facebook.